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"Logical Mind's solution works extremely efficiently and is proving to be an invaluable element of our sales success."
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Empowering Staff Performance through Sharpened Processes
November 2006
Staff appraisals are an amazing way to gain both an insight into staff development and the effectiveness of the processes behind their performance.
Staff development can bring massive rewards to a business, especially when staff are aligned to the businesses strategy and development. Ensuring that your process solutions are appropriate for your changing needs, and that they are fully understood and utilised by your staff, is critical to both staff and business development.
An appraisal gives managers the opportunity to hear valuable suggestions for developing your process solutions from the people who get to use them every day! First-hand experience of both the business needs and the solutions used to meet them can highlight all sorts of areas for making your solutions even more effective.
Take for example the problem of unnecessary duplication of data entry where related process solutions are not integrated. Staff may have spotted a whole host of areas where processes can be streamlined and unnecessary or redundant elements factored out.
This not only helps speed up business processes, but also frees up staff time to focus on other skills – a win-win situation for both your business and your staff!
You and your staff may be able to identify numerous areas for improvement. All you then may need is a little help in what to do next and how to implement the changes via process solutions, if applicable. By developing and streamlining your existing systems, you can provide familiar but enhanced solutions that can empower your staff to help drive forward business performance and bottom line profitability.
Since 2003, Yorkshire software company Logical Minds have been helping business generate more sales, better conversions and tighter internal processes. By creating solutions that answer specific needs, they have consistently delivered real business benefits to their clients.