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- Atom Media - Working In Partnership
- Coop Pharmacy - Dispensing Incident Report System
- Coop Pharmacy - Excess Stock System
- Game Republic - Consultancy
- Hamilton Park Racecourse - Ticketing CRM Solution
- Myfotowall.com - Cataloguing & Purchasing System
- Round Table - Events, Membership & Web System
- Screen Yorkshire - Content & Management System
- Showtime Arabia - Bilingual Programme Management
- Success Unlimited - ContactonlineŠ
- The Trafford Centre - Web Content Management Systen
- York Racecourse - Advanced Booking & Ticketing System
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"Significant cost savings have been made since implementing the solution from Logical Minds."
Speed up the Effect on Your Bottom Line
- Logical Minds
- Training
We fully appreciate the importance training plays in relation to new solutions and processes and how training can expedite acceptance and overall implementation in helping the bottom line grow.
Due to this we provide training in a number of forms:-
On-Site Training
On-site training can appear to provide minimal interruption to work flow. However we consider this to be the least effective method due to the setting up of the ideal facilities, availability to interruptions and the possibility of changing priorities that can easily occur in your usual workplace.
Off-Site Training
Logical Minds have excellent off-site training facilities allowing a controlled environment for one to one as well as group training, in a technically replicated environment to that of your normal workplace. Please note that in order to maximise the effectiveness of the training all persons attending should share all elements of the training being covered.
User Manuals
- Logical Minds
- User Manuals
Further support can be provided in the form of detailed user manuals to allow existing and future users of your solution to have reference material at hand for continued training and assistance throughout the life cycle of the solution.
The user manual also acts as a point of reference for use at anytime, it can help speed up induction of new staff/users and enables staff to resolve training issues themselves in the first instance.
- Where to next:
- Why Logical Minds?
- Client Case Studies